About Me
My name is Phoebe Morgan. I am 20 years old and a nursing major at Southern Adventist University. I just graduated with my Associate's of Science in Nursing degree, and will soon be taking my nursing boards to become a licensed registered nurse.
I begin my 10 months in Zambia starting in August. While in Zambia, I will be serving as a nurse in the clinic at Riverside Farm Institute.
And that's where this blog comes in... To be able to document my experiences, emotions, and memories every step of the way; to be able to look back over this journey and (hopefully) see a change in myself and take down vital life lessons. But most importantly, I hope this blog will inspire others to go out and serve; despite possible risk, fears, or "lack of qualifications." I hope that God uses this blog for good no matter how many typos and run on sentences I use. :)
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