My trip began early this past Sunday morning and I arrived Monday evening in Lusaka after four flights (one of which was 13 hours long with approx. 20 screaming children on board). After many attempts at sleeping, turbulence, nausea, tears, and one bumpy 2 hour bus ride… I FINALLY arrived at Riverside!! It is more beautiful and feels more like home already than I could ever imagine after just three days. Don’t get me wrong… I teared up when my mom sent me a photo of my dog sitting in my room, but I can already tell Riverside is the best match an SM location can be for me! The people are so kind, the kids so cute, and the views are incredible!
First thoughts during my first steps onto campus...
- "WOW that sunset is insane"
- "It's cold (????)" ***because, yes, it's winter here now.
- "OMG the director's wife has a cat. I can do this."
- "God knew what He was doing." ****it's almost as if He knows what He's doing with this plan for my life. Crazy talk ;)
I have already had two full days in the clinic. While reflecting on them, I can’t force myself to say they were easy. It’s difficult when trying to care for patients who only speak Tonga, and larger responsibilities have been handed to me quicker than I would’ve imagined! So yes there has been some freaking out on my part already haha. But on the other side, I’ve already learned so much and adapted a lot to this new work environment! I’m constantly reminded in these small moments that God has got my back and will never leave.
For those of you who don’t know, I came with one other girl from Southern (Win Pasaribu), and I have been told there are two guys coming in September as well! Win and I both work as nurses in the clinic. She’s also my roommate in our quaint house just next door to the clinic. We have frequent visits from spiders, ranging in size from quarters to baseballs, of whom we only give names to the large ones (Charlotte and King Kong). We also have the occasional lizard that we call Geico. We like Geico. The missionary families that live at Riverside have pet cats which I have fallen in LOVE with.
In summation, I’m having a good time :)
Sorry if that was all over the place just wanted to update you all!!! Prayers are always appreciated (I’m still freaking out on the inside lol) !!!!!!!
